2005 GTO Fluids

By admin, 5 August, 2005

Member for

17 years 1 month


19 years ago

How to Reset the Service Engine Oil message on the 2004 GTO (probably the same on the 05).

The GM Oil Life System calculates when to change
your engine oil and filter based on vehicle use. Anytime
your oil is changed, reset the system so it can
calculate when the next oil change is required. If a
situation occurs where you change your oil prior to a
Service Engine Oil message being turned on, reset the

After changing the engine oil, reset the system by
performing the following steps:

1. With the engine off, turn the ignition key to ON.

2. Fully press and release the accelerator pedal slowly
two times within five seconds.

3. Turn the key to LOCK.
If the Service Engine Oil message comes back on
when you start your vehicle, the engine oil life
system has not reset. Repeat the procedure.

Balandar (not verified)

18 years 10 months ago

Document ID# 1680310
2004 Pontiac GTO


Dana Rear Axle Engineering Exchange Program - keywords broken chatter growl leak noise vibration whine #PIP3387A - (Jun 30, 2005)
Dana Rear Axle Engineering Exchange Program
2004-2005 Pontiac GTO

The following diagnosis might be helpful if the vehicle exhibits the symptom(s) described in this PI.

Any concern with the rear axle in the 2004-2005 Pontiac GTO.

Dana Axle has provided 20 rear Axles for the 2004/2005 GTOs. They would like them exchanged for major failed units and axle whine for engineering analysis.

Currently, this stock of axles has been depleted but more feedback from the field is desired. If an axle is required for one of these vehicles, please contact the PQC at 1-800-654-7654 so that you can be placed on the list for shipment when an axle becomes available.

Please follow this diagnostic or repair process thoroughly and complete each step. If the condition exhibited is resolved without completing every step, the remaining steps do not need to be performed.

GM bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, NOT a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform these technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions, and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, DO NOT assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See your GM dealer for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.

© Copyright General Motors Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Document ID# 1680310
2004 Pontiac GTO

Power Steering

The GTO power steering system uses Dexron III ATF. Make sure you USE ATF, and not Power Steering Fluid! Your pump will go out using power steering fluid.

Changing the Power Steering Fluid.

Do not reuse any drained power steering fluid regardless of appearance or condition.

  • Raise and support the front of the vehicle off the ground in order to remove the weight of the vehicle from the front tires.
  • Loosen the hose clamp on the inlet side of the reservoir. (higher one)
  • Remove the power steering fluid reservoir inlet hose from the reservoir.
  • Position the hose toward a drain pan in order to catch the draining fluid.
  • Drain the fluid.
  • Plug the inlet hose connection on the reservoir.

A4 Transmission

Castrol Dexron III, do not use synthetic. You need some friction in an automatic transmission to make it work correctly.


6.5 quarts for the LS2. Mobile 1 5W30
Keep records of every oil change.

Document ID#1409149 - 2005 Pontiac GTO
"Excessive oil consumption, not due to leaks, is the use of 1 L (1qt) or more of engine oil within 3200 kilometers (2,000 miles)"

Check oil early in the morning. It takes awhile for the oil to drain back into the pan, so check when it's cool.

Differential Gear

Change the differential gear oil around a couple thousand miles... you'll see why when you drain it.. FUGLY looking.

Until then, you'll probably notice a slight whine around 40 - 50 mph.

Royal Purple's 85w140 GearMax product or RP 75w140. They are around $8/qt. If you can, go with the RP Maxgear 85/140 for the diff.

Get 2 quarts when you buy RP. It takes 1.6 qts if you get all of the old stuff out. Just hand tighten the bolts and give a little torque.

It should be easy to change, you can just crawl under the back end, no need for a jack. Just pull the drain plug and let it drain. Put the plug back in, fill it up with around 0.4 qts to clean the old stuff out, drain it again, plug it, fill it, plug it.


92 octane or better, no less than 87 though.