Well, I guess I should post something in this blog.
I went out last night to my nieces 16th birthday party. She was completely surprised. Lol, the first thing she did was remove some of her pictures from the wall that she didnt like. Overall, It was fun, with some really good company there. I left early before the band started playing. The previous nights storm kept me awake until 3am.. and of course I am up for work at 6am, I was feeling exhausted.
So that was last night. Today, I worked out this morning and washed the goat (the GTO for you non-gto people) for a few hours. Then took a drive to show her off (all nice and shinny), in fact, I think I spotted another black 05 GTO. I was so stunned I forgot to wave! I also picked up some pre-made salt water and did a water change later that night.
Hmmm, I need to get a tennis racquet.